Give Me 20!

I have told you before that if you can walk you can Give Me 20!  So don’t worry if you can’t do a push-up or a pull-up, you don’t even have to buy any equipment but we do recommend you make or buy a suspension trainer, I made mine and used it with some of the things I already had at home. One can be made from supplies found at any hardware store for under $20 (again, I already had them at home) or can be bought for under $30. I nice model can be purchased for $50 and the top of the line for $100. Again, I made mine for free and so can you. And if you already have a gym membership or if there is one that you have access at your apartment, condo or work, then no need to do these things at home. Please always consult your doctor before doing any physical exercise.

 The cool thing about using a suspension strap trainer is that while you are doing push-ups, you have to keep your core stable so you are getting a core workout too.  You can also get the best workout to get you to 20! most effectively.  The reason is because of it taking you to absolute failure.  When you workout in a gym with weights you need a “spotter” to help you squeeze out the last to repetitions in a typical 3 set exercise.  Using resistance bands you get a good workout but there is no way to spot yourself and the range of motion is backward from what you want it.  I mean, as you get to the end of the rep it gets harder not easier as it would if you had a spotter.  With suspension bands with your feet on the floor a push-up gets easier as you get to the end of the rep.  You can also take a tiny step forward and it gets easier so you can do another rep.  This makes suspension training the best workout you can get especially for doing just one set as we suggest of 20! to absolute failure.

Phase 1 – Walking for 20 minutes.  Is there a better exercise than walking?  It engages all of the muscles without over doing it.  20 minutes as brisk as you can even running depending on your fitness level, 6 days a week or as much as allowed.  If you don’t do it every day don’t beat yourself up but try to do it 6 or even 7 days a week.  If you experience pain the next day or even the day after you over did it and need to walk slower or more than running. 

Phase 2 – consists of engaging the major muscle groups 3 days a week while cutting back your Phase 1 walk/running.  The muscle groups are the chest, back, legs and the abdominals.  The abdominals are used every day for stabilization when you do the other exercises so they are getting a light workout even on their off days.  These exercises are detailed in the “Give Me 20!” drop downs.

Phase 3 – is meant to start to raise your metabolism and is just like phase 2 but instead of isolating one muscle group you stack multiple muscle groups in your 20! reps.  This will start to add lean muscle to your frame and you will experience little or more likely no weight reduction in this phase.  You may even gain weight as muscle weighs more than fat as you tone your body.  Your measurements now should change as you move toward a more sculpted physique.  Your friends and family are already amazed at your results and now it is time to have the kind of body that turns heads at the beach or your local pool.  It’s up to you and you are in control.  Congratulations!

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